“We have found the services Blinc offer to be of the highest standard, their staff are personable, pleasant and attentive and we would definitely recommend them to anyone looking for a better service from their referencing agency”

James Dean Estate Agents

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Customer satisfaction is at the very heart of what we do

All references include an AML check and a right to rent check as part of the same service with no additional work required from our clients.

AI image to text scanning on ID documents verifying not only their validity but also through machine learning technology matching the identification to the applicant


Trusted by hundreds of letting agents


Credit Check and Right to Rent

ID verification and automated right to rent status check using image scanning technology

Our data checks go further than any other referencing company in the UK, right to rent is included within any reference, as are, credit profiles and full AML checks


Income/Employment Reference

Not every applicant is within the box, but neither is our referencing

We adopt a common-sense approach to tenant referencing, so when situations are outside of the norm we are able to look at things differently and can accept a range of income sources

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Residency/Landlord Reference

We believe we have found the perfect balance of automation and traditional processes to make sure our referencing is the best

Our checks go further, with more forensic checking of previous addresses and use of our land registry integration to check property ownership where stated, you can be confident on the quality of tenant we recommend